December 2024
- posted in Newsletters, Uncategorized
We wish you a wonderful Christmas season and a blessed New Year!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year to celebrate our Lord and Christian family. Thank you so much for your prayers and support throughout the year. Imagine what is coming in 2025. We will know our Lord Jesus more and progress farther in fulfilling His plan and reaching to the ends of the earth with His gospel. What a privilege to do it with you!
Remember our website is always available for updates, missions trainings, ministry vision, and ways to connect.
Visit us anytime at:
God is blessing the Church in Burgos

- The doctors told one of our church members that her sister was unresponsive and going to die. She wrote Pastor Daphne and they prayed separately. Her sister recovered and went home the same day! (She lives in the Dominican Republic.)
- A lady at church was doubled over with severe pain in her back. She said that the moment that Pastor Daphne laid hands on her back all of the pain stopped!
- One of our church members was struggling to get His residency paperwork approved for a long time. We believed with him and he was approved.
- We have such solid helpers and ministry trainees. Praise God!
- Four people were baptized in water at our “Baptism at Christmas” celebration. How fun!

Inspirational quotes from partners:
If it’s in the ring with you, you can whip it! – Pastor James Lillis
A mistake is never a failure if you learn from it. – Pastor Josh Ehmke
Provide a spiritual supply for your leaders. Pray for them. – Pastor Amy Siegel
What God did in Eastern Europe
- Only 1 day in Vilnius, Lithuania, how do I best use my time? I finished eating my lunch and was about to throw away my trash. The Holy Sprit told me to wait. The young family next to me was speaking some English. As I waited, the Lord said, “I have positioned you next to them.” A few minutes later, He said, “Now.” I asked them where they were from. As they learned that I am a minister, they were so open. They invited me for dinner. We laughed and shared for 2 hours that evening. I’ve never had anything move that quickly.
- Cinthia works in a museum giftshop. She was very open to the things of God. We prayed for healing for her stomach, and Pastor Greg ministered to her about difficulties in her family. She grew up in church and wanted to draw near to the Lord again. [Bratislava, Slovakia]
- HIGHLIGHT: Olsztyn, Poland is a city of over 160,000 people that has no Pentecostal, non-denominational, nor faith church. We only had one day. Lord, where do we go? In the spirit, I saw a certain place. It turned out to be a BBQ restaurant run by a local who lived in the USA for 17 years. He spoke great English and sat and visited with us. What an amazing connection.
- Also in Olsztyn, we met Steven, a Catholic priest. He feels persecuted by the Orthodox church because His church broke away from them. We discussed the scriptures with him, and he commended our courage.
- I sat next to a Swiss diplomat on the bus. As we discussed Europe and the Russian-Ukraine war, I was able to share testimonies of the Lord’s goodness and many gospel truths. It was awesome!
- Looking for a good way to break the ice when witnessing? While seeking the Lord for help, I walked into a store and met a guy playing “Mary, did you know?” on his cell phone. He just liked the music. Cool opportunity to share Jesus’ love! [Warsaw, Poland]
- Lena was stressed about getting home from work in traffic. I tried to encourage & help her. Later, I saw her again and gave her some material about the Lord. She received sweetly. [Warsaw, Poland]
- My friend Chris and I were walking down the street. The Lord prompted him to greet a young father as we passed by. He turned out to be an Iraqi UN employee stationed in and displaced from Lebanon because of the war. We spoke for over an hour and shared our faith in Christ. He was quite open! [Riga, Latvia]
- Our cab driver in Budapest, Hungry was open and spoke good English. I asked him if he knew what it meant to be saved. We were able to have a long conversation about the gospel with him. Praise God for open doors!
[Names have been changed in the above testimonies.]
Christmas in the Baltic States

Mission trip to France, Italy, and Croatia
Winter of 2024
Soon we will be off on our next mission trip. We will be evangelizing the lost and connecting with local ministers, all as the Lord leads. Jesus said, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:14) What a privilege it is to bring the gospel where so few have heard, seen and understood the light of God’s Word. That is changing!
Pray that the Lord will guide us to the right people and give us His supernatural words and power to meet the deepest need. His Word says: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14), and “[praying]… for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19).
Trip Budget: $4000.
Click on the PayPal button further down in this email if would like to help us reach these wide-open harvest fields. Thank you so much, and may the Lord multiply your seed sown (2 Corinthians 9:10).
Let’s do it Together!
The ministry is expanding! The church in Spain is growing even when we travel. In recent years, Rev. Rich has done mission trips about 2 months out of the year. We plan to do more than 4 months of mission trips in 2025 and over 6 months in 2026. Why? Because in Europe (and other nations), very few people have known the Lord. Look at these statistics: only one in 50 (Spain) or one in 75 (France, Ireland) or one in 100 (Italy) or even one in 200 (Israel, Poland) people are saved. [To put that in perspective, 1 in 4 Americans claim to be evangelical.] Where we work, country after country is filled with city after city starved for the light of the gospel and full of people currently on their way to hell. We must bring them the light and help them change course! Much more travel equals much more cost.
God is our great provider,
and if we all do our part, it won’t be too much for anyone.
Trust God with us to increase our finances by 1/3 at this time.
We can achieve this with the following commitments:
1 partner at $1000 per month
1 partner at $750 per month
2 partners at $500 per month
3 partners at $250 per month
5 partners at $100 per month
10 partners at $50 per month
20 partners at $25 per month
25 partners at $10 per month
Please pray about getting involved, and do whatever the Lord puts on your heart. We would be honored to have you take hold of this work with us and help us reach further. God gives us each the grace to do our part. If now is not a time to do more financially, perhaps you know someone who is looking to partner with a ministry like ours. And your prayers are always the most valuable thing that you can give!
Write us and let us know how you would like to get involved. We are excited about what the Lord is doing and your part in His plan!
For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:8-10
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We usually send out 1 or 2 regular/Christmas mailings every year. Send us your address if you would like to receive them. Or if you need to update your address, e-mail or phone number, let us know.
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Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours!
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