October 2024
- posted in: Newsletters, Uncategorized
We had a wonderful ministry trip around the USA this past summer. It was great to see many of you who have been friends & partners for years. And how exciting it was to meet new people from Connecticut to California, New York to Florida. The Lord is so good to connect us together.
Thank you so much for the outpouring of interest in receiving our updates. The mailing list grew an incredible 48% because of you. We are so encouraged to have you as a part of this good work!
Along with emails and occasional paper mailings, our website is always available for updates, missions trainings, ministry vision, and ways to connect.
Please visit us anytime at:
Pictures from USA trip

The Vision of Life of God International
- Jesus: We love the Lord, and our relationship with Him. Putting Jesus first and following Him fully is the only way to truly have joy and purpose in life.
- The Unreached: There are places on earth where almost no one knows the truth of God’s Word, the reality of His Holy Spirit, and the experience of God’s goodness in their lives. We are compelled to do all we can to reach the people in these places for Jesus in preparation for His soon return.
- The Plan: We believe God to be able to bring the very best ministry to the places that have had the least amount of God’s light. Although we want to see more and more reached and set free, we are not moved by numbers or crowds. Our focus is bringing the gospel where its light has shined the most dimly, so that the people there can have the hope of eternal life.
- And YOU: This ministry – the mission trips, the church in Spain, the traveling ministry, the website, the prayer team, the newsletters – is a place where like-minded people can join forces with the Lord to reach the least reached areas of the world so that “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:14)
Inspirational quotes from partners:
The Church was born out of the wind and the fire. That is the way it started, and that is the way that it is going out. – Pastor Scott Webb
Every Christian wants to do something big for God. There is nothing bigger than leading the next person to Jesus Christ. – Pastor Chas Stevenson
Let’s get this job done. – Pastor Michael Lokietek
More Pictures from USA trip

Let’s do it Together!
The ministry is expanding! As we mention below, the church in Spain is growing even while we are away. In recent years, Rev. Rich has done mission trips about 2 months out of the year. We plan to do more than 4 months of mission trips in 2025 and over 6 months in 2026. Why? Because in Europe (and other nations), very few people have known the Lord. Look at these statistics: only one in 50 (Spain) or one in 75 (France, Ireland) or one in 100 (Italy) or even one in 200 (Israel) people are saved. [To put that in perspective, 1 in 4 Americans claim to be evangelical.] Where we work, country after country is filled with city after city starved for the light of the gospel and full of people currently on their way to hell. We must bring them the light and help them change course! Much more travel equals much more cost.
God is our great provider,
and if we all do our part, it won’t be too much for anyone.
Trust God with us to increase our finances by 1/3 at this time.
We could achieve this with the following commitments:
1 partner at $1000 per month
1 partner at $750 per month
2 partners at $500 per month
3 partners at $250 per month
5 partners at $100 per month
10 partners at $50 per month
20 partners at $25 per month
25 partners at $10 per month
Please pray about getting involved, and do whatever the Lord puts on your heart. We would be honored to have you take hold of this work with us and help us reach further. God gives us each the grace to do our part. If now is not a time to do more financially, perhaps you know someone who is looking to partner with a ministry like ours. And your prayers are always the most valuable thing that you can give!
Write us and let us know how you would like to get involved. We are excited about what the Lord is doing and your part in His plan!
For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:8-10
Missions trip to Eastern Europe
November 4 – December 3, 2024
In just a week, I will be leaving for Eastern Europe for a month! I will be meeting up with 3 different traveling companions throughout the trip. We will visit Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Finland and Latvia, and perhaps two other nations. Every one of these countries borders Russia or the Ukraine (and Poland borders both). Being close to a war zone changes people’s perspective and often creates an opening to talk about God.
In Riga, Latvia, where we will spend almost 2 weeks, the population is 40% Russian, which is an important reason that the Lord has led us there. This city has been on edge since the war between Russia and the Ukraine broke out because there are so many opposing views on whose side is just. Everyone needs the gospel of peace.
Pray that the Lord will guide us to the right people and give us His supernatural words and power to meet the deepest need. His Word says: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14), and “[praying]… for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19).
Trip Budget: $6,000.
Click on the PayPal button above if you would like to help us reach these wide-open harvest fields. Thank you so much, and may the Lord multiply your seed sown (2 Corinthians 9:10).
God grew the church in Burgos while we were away!

Do you want to receive our paper mailings?
We usually send out 1 or 2 regular/Christmas mailings every year. Send us your address if you would like to receive them. Or if you need to update your address, e-mail or phone number, let us know.
Contact us at: office@lifeofgodintl.org.
Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours!
[To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add rich@lifeofgodintl.org to your address book.]