January 2014
- posted in Newsletters
Doors Open In Spain
So much of what we have been working for in Burgos, Spain began to open up to us during our recent trip. After several administrative details, we became official Spanish residents with government issued ID cards. The relationships we have been cultivating since we first went to Burgos are growing much deeper, and we continue to meet and develop relationships with people. Burgos are growing much deeper, and we continue to meet and develop relationships with people. I recently counted over 40 relationships with people that we are trying to reach in Spain. And God is moving. This trip we were able to share the whole gospel message of Jesus Christ with a couple of our closest friends. Later we taught them more truths from God’s Word. And before they knew that we are working to start a Family Church, one of them told us that Burgos needs a good church (and they didn’t even own a Bible until we gave them one)! We found a very good location to begin having services in the future and the future and have begun the legal work necessary to form a church. God is good!

Brothers, Pray For Us
The Apostle Paul, a missionary to Southwestern Asia and Southern Europe, was inspired by God to write the following while he was in prison for preaching the gospel: “…through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance…” (Philippians 1:19). The Bible also says that the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (James 5:16). The Bible says that we who have faith in Christ have been made righteous by God. Your prayers make a BIG difference. We know that you spend time praying for our government leaders and for your Pastor and fellowshipping with God. These should be our priorities. However, as the Lord leads and helps you, please pray for us. We can often tell when you are praying because things go so smoothly as we move forward in the work. If you would like any specific prayers to pray, e-mail me. Thank you so much for your faithfulness. We are praying for you too!
The Future Is Bright
Many exciting things are happening as we follow God, and we would not experience it without you, our partners. Because we try to keep our newsletters short, I do not have room to share it all. The highlights are listed below. If you want more details, e-mail me. Please pray for us as we endeavor to follow God and please Him in everything.
- We will be itinerating and meeting with pastors and other ministers in Georgia, Florida, California and Alabama in January and February
- We are consulting with US and Spanish lawyers to learn how to form a nonprofit organization (for church planting) that can easily function in the US and overseas.
- We will be in the Northeastern US in March to do much needed paperwork and to meet with partners, ministers, and churches.
- We plan to return to Spain in April to continue working on the Family Church plant.
- We have learned that there is extensive groundwork to be done when planting an overseas work and are exploring the possibility of doing the groundwork for future works while still planting the work in Burgos. We travel some for this purpose when necessary.