January 30
- posted in: Newsletters, Uncategorized
Thank you so much for your prayers and faithful support for this work. Great things are ahead in the Lord!
They’ve come to Arrest Him. What can I do?
Daphne and I sat on an empty morning train about to embark on a long day of travel. I noticed the figure of a single young man enter and sit a few rows ahead of us. Soon afterwards a train conductor showed up and had an angry exchange with the man. Minutes passed and he returned with a larger employee of the train line and asked him to leave the train voluntarily or be arrested. Apparently, this gentleman had gotten on the train without a ticket.
I sat there pondering the situation, and it struck me that perhaps I could be a positive part of this story by offering to buy a ticket for this individual. Not wanting to run afoul of the authorities, I invited these two train employees aside and asked if I could be of help by purchasing this young man’s ticket. (Actually it is you, our partners, that bought this man’s ticket.)They didn’t want me to be put out and assured me that they would just have him arrested. I told them that I didn’t mind the expense, and they reluctantly agreed.
After we left the station, I took the opportunity to have a relaxed conversation with this man about the Lord’s love for him. He very much appreciated the ticket, and we exchanged phone numbers. I returned to my seat, peacefully and joyfully pondering this opportunity, thanking the Lord for allowing me to be a blessing.
As I sat there meditating, I was suddenly dumbfounded. I realized that man was me! I was sitting on the train of life, simply wanting passage to my blessed inheritance. Suddenly my accusers came for me. They had proof of my sin and wrongdoing, my bad attitudes and corrupt motives. As I searched through my pockets, I could find nothing that gave me the right to stay. I would be carried away to bondage. I would never make it into what God had for me.
Then someone stood up, but I barely noticed what was happening. He motioned my accusers over and began to reason with them. As I pondered my dark fate, they approached. My accusers waved their had dismissively at this stranger and said, “He has offered to buy your ticket. He will take your place. He will suffer loss to redeem you from your fate. Do you accept His offer? In my lowly place, I shook my head, “Yes.” Hope and peace broke into my soul. My future was forever changed. Praise be unto my Lord and Redeemer!
Soon the train of my life left the station. How wonderful that I was on the right “track” for my eternal journey. The stranger, now oddly familiar, approached. He spoke of how I was now free from my accusers and assured a home with him. Then he made me another offer. If I wanted to work closely with and follow him in all things, I could have a life of adventure and great reward. There would be persecutions from those in the world, but unspeakable blessings and deep relationship would mark my eternity. I had finally found my purpose. I have finally discovered life! [November 2023]

Bradford, England was the home of Smith Wigglesworth, the famous British minister who boldly ministered on faith in Christ, sometimes even on the train. It was here that the above encounter took place.
Mission Trip to Italy, Switzerland and Hungary.
February 12 – March 2, 2024
With Pastor Scott Wise. I have great anticipation for our first trip of 2024. We will stop in Grindelwald, Switzerland, the only city on my circuit that I haven’t been able to visit since before the pandemic. I was last there in 2017. It’s time to get back and pick up where we left off. Afterwards, we have set aside a full 10 days in Livorno, Italy. It is the center of the Italian Communist movement and the most obviously needy city that I visit (so far). It will be great to have so much time in one place to see what God will do. Lastly, the Lord led us to add a couple of days in Budapest, Hungary. After Pastor Scott leaves, Pastor Daphne and I will meet there. Expect God’s Highest and best with us. It will come to pass!
The Lord has been blessing me with living parables, amazing life lessons, from my encounters with people on the mission trips. If you enjoyed the above testimony and missed the article about the “master craftsman,” check it out in this link:
In the Master Craftsman’s Workship

Sunday evening we have a discipleship class at the church in Burgos. God is blessing and growing the church. Now we meet 3 times each week.
Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours!
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