December 2016
- posted in: Newsletters
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The holiday season is already upon us. We are looking forward to doing some special events centered around Christmas and New Year’s day this year. Everything has been going very well in the ministry since our last update. We continue to see people saved and healed and to have first time and return visitors to our meetings. The Lord Jesus said “I will build my church…“ (Matthew 16:18). It is an honor to serve Him and watch Him work. Burgos will be won!
We are so blessed by your partnership through your prayers and giving. You’re making a big difference. We can’t thank you enough!
At Christmas, we pause to consider important things like the wonder of the Son of God born as a man, the life of giving, and blessing a family. But as Christians who meditate and practice God’s word and are part of a church family, we are privileged to live the whole year growing in the practical (practiced) knowledge of all God’s truth.
According to Mark 4:24 [AMP], Jesus said, “The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you…” As we think, study, and speak God’s Word, and spend time at church with our spiritual family, we will live in an ever-deepening relationship with God. Merry Christmas all year through!
(Bottom right) Revs. Rich and Daphne enjoy Christmas decorations in Burgos.