March 2024

Thank you so much for your prayers and faithful support for this work. Great things are ahead!

Look what the Lord has done!

In the Church in Burgos:

  • God opens the door for a family to stay in the church in Burgos: One of our newer couples is seeking asylum in Spain. People almost always have to change cities halfway through that process. We prayed the prayer of agreement that they would be able to stay in Burgos, and they got the apartment they needed here. And now their new roommate attends church too! Being allowed to complete the whole process in one city is extremely rare. Praise God!
  • One of our guys gets a new job and apartment: Juan (name changed) was sleeping on a friend’s living room floor for months. They didn’t heat that part of the house and limited his use of the kitchen and bathroom. We prayed the prayer of agreement and within a week he got a job and moved to his own apartment. And the job offered him a long-term contract, which is very rare in Spain, especially in the first week! God is amazing!
  • Susana gets quick approval for her store. One of our people is opening a convenient store down the street. They were ready to start receiving inventory, but their electricity had not been turned on. The city government told them that it could take at least a month for approval. Pastor Daphne prayed the prayer of agreement with her, and they got their approval in just 8 days! They open this Monday!

On the Mission trip in February:

  • 3 pray the sinner’s prayer in Livorno, Italy: We did our first ever conference, and it was in a city where we don’t even speak the language. God led us to a translator that was open to the gospel, a conference room in a hotel, and a print shop. We touched so many more people than we have before through handing out flyers. Pastor Scott mentioned that everyone that he told God loves them seemed impacted. And if just one person gets right with God, it is all worth it. What an experience. Glory to God!
  • Testifying to a Muslim in the laundromat: While doing our laundry, I began to talk with someone who turned out to be a devout Muslim. Over the course of the conversation, I was able to share some of my testimony and the joy of having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. He seemed blessed, and we parted with a big hug. 
  • With a Hasidic Rabbi on the flight to Budapest: I sat next to a Rabbi from near New York City. We conversed for over an hour and a half about maintaining truth and light in the American society. As we spoke, I quoted the scripture to him. He taught me that they recite Psalms 126 to say grace before a meal. When I threw in a messianic psalm, he got quiet. At the end of the flight, he told me that God had brought us together to encourage one another. 
  • A woman on the train to Milan wants to raise her child in God’s light: Pastor Scott and I sat across the table from a woman on a crowded train. As we conversed, she explained that she had left her (Catholic) church because it seemed to lack the true light of God. I was able to encourage her in her search for the truth and give her a Brother Hagin book to read. Thank God for the opportunity!

Ministry Trip to the USA

June 26 – September 11, 2024

It has been almost 3 years since we have visited the USA, so it is that time again. This year we will be ministering and connecting with Pastors and attending conferences in California, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Nebraska, and Texas, with possible meetings in Colorado, Washington DC, Kentucky, Georgia, and Connecticut.
Why do missionaries have to spend so much time and money traveling in the USA? Our ministry forms a bridge between the American Church and the millions of people that don’t experience the light of the gospel like us. These trips keep that connection strong. And, of course, it’s important to visit partners in person to show our appreciation. It’s awesome to see people like you!

Trip Budget: $12,000

Click on the PayPal button if you would like to help us report on and promote the reaching of the unreached in Europe. We will also be ministering God’s Word in the USA. Thank you so much, and may the Lord multiply your seed sown (2 Corinthians 9:10).

Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
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