
  • December 2024

    We wish you a wonderful Christmas season and a blessed New Year!

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year to celebrate our Lord and Christian family. Thank you so much for your prayers and support throughout the year. Imagine what is coming in 2025. We will know our Lord Jesus more and progress farther in fulfilling His plan and reaching to the ends of the earth with His gospel. What a privilege to do it with you!

    Remember our website is always available for updates, missions trainings, ministry vision, and ways to connect.

    Visit us anytime at:

    God is blessing the Church in Burgos

    • The doctors told one of our church members that her sister was unresponsive and going to die. She wrote Pastor Daphne and they prayed separately. Her sister recovered and went home the same day! (She lives in the Dominican Republic.)
    • A lady at church was doubled over with severe pain in her back. She said that the moment that Pastor Daphne laid hands on her back all of the pain stopped!
    • One of our church members was struggling to get His residency paperwork approved for a long time. We believed with him and he was approved.
    • We have such solid helpers and ministry trainees. Praise God!
    • Four people were baptized in water at our “Baptism at Christmas” celebration. How fun!

    Inspirational quotes from partners:

    If it’s in the ring with you, you can whip it!  – Pastor James Lillis

    A mistake is never a failure if you learn from it.  – Pastor Josh Ehmke

    Provide a spiritual supply for your leaders. Pray for them.  – Pastor Amy Siegel

    What God did in Eastern Europe

    • Only 1 day in Vilnius, Lithuania, how do I best use my time? I finished eating my lunch and was about to throw away my trash. The Holy Sprit told me to wait. The young family next to me was speaking some English. As I waited, the Lord said, “I have positioned you next to them.” A few minutes later, He said, “Now.” I asked them where they were from. As they learned that I am a minister, they were so open. They invited me for dinner. We laughed and shared for 2 hours that evening. I’ve never had anything move that quickly.
    • Cinthia works in a museum giftshop. She was very open to the things of God. We prayed for healing for her stomach, and Pastor Greg ministered to her about difficulties in her family. She grew up in church and wanted to draw near to the Lord again. [Bratislava, Slovakia]
    • HIGHLIGHT: Olsztyn, Poland is a city of over 160,000 people that has no Pentecostal, non-denominational, nor faith church. We only had one day. Lord, where do we go? In the spirit, I saw a certain place. It turned out to be a BBQ restaurant run by a local who lived in the USA for 17 years. He spoke great English and sat and visited with us. What an amazing connection.
    • Also in Olsztyn, we met Steven, a Catholic priest. He feels persecuted by the Orthodox church because His church broke away from them. We discussed the scriptures with him, and he commended our courage.
    • I sat next to a Swiss diplomat on the bus. As we discussed Europe and the Russian-Ukraine war, I was able to share testimonies of the Lord’s goodness and many gospel truths. It was awesome!
    • Looking for a good way to break the ice when witnessing? While seeking the Lord for help, I walked into a store and met a guy playing “Mary, did you know?” on his cell phone. He just liked the music. Cool opportunity to share Jesus’ love! [Warsaw, Poland]
    • Lena was stressed about getting home from work in traffic. I tried to encourage & help her. Later, I saw her again and gave her some material about the Lord. She received sweetly. [Warsaw, Poland]
    • My friend Chris and I were walking down the street. The Lord prompted him to greet a young father as we passed by. He turned out to be an Iraqi UN employee stationed in and displaced from Lebanon because of the war. We spoke for over an hour and shared our faith in Christ. He was quite open! [Riga, Latvia]
    • Our cab driver in Budapest, Hungry was open and spoke good English. I asked him if he knew what it meant to be saved. We were able to have a long conversation about the gospel with him. Praise God for open doors!

    [Names have been changed in the above testimonies.]

    Christmas in the Baltic States

    Mission trip to France, Italy, and Croatia

    Winter of 2024

    Soon we will be off on our next mission trip. We will be evangelizing the lost and connecting with local ministers, all as the Lord leads. Jesus said, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:14) What a privilege it is to bring the gospel where so few have heard, seen and understood the light of God’s Word. That is changing!
    Pray that the Lord will guide us to the right people and give us His supernatural words and power to meet the deepest need. His Word says: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14), and “[praying]… for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19).

    Trip Budget: $4000.

    Click on the PayPal button further down in this email if would like to help us reach these wide-open harvest fields. Thank you so much, and may the Lord multiply your seed sown (2 Corinthians 9:10).

    Let’s do it Together!

    The ministry is expanding! The church in Spain is growing even when we travel. In recent years, Rev. Rich has done mission trips about 2 months out of the year. We plan to do more than 4 months of mission trips in 2025 and over 6 months in 2026. Why? Because in Europe (and other nations), very few people have known the Lord. Look at these statistics: only one in 50 (Spain) or one in 75 (France, Ireland) or one in 100 (Italy) or even one in 200 (Israel, Poland) people are saved. [To put that in perspective, 1 in 4 Americans claim to be evangelical.] Where we work, country after country is filled with city after city starved for the light of the gospel and full of people currently on their way to hell. We must bring them the light and help them change course! Much more travel equals much more cost. 

    God is our great provider,
    and if we all do our part, it won’t be too much for anyone.

    Trust God with us to increase our finances by 1/3 at this time.
    We can achieve this with the following commitments:
    1 partner at $1000 per month
    1 partner at $750 per month
    2 partners at $500 per month
    3 partners at $250 per month
    5 partners at $100 per month
    10 partners at $50 per month
    20 partners at $25 per month
    25 partners at $10 per month

    Please pray about getting involved, and do whatever the Lord puts on your heart. We would be honored to have you take hold of this work with us and help us reach further. God gives us each the grace to do our part. If now is not a time to do more financially, perhaps you know someone who is looking to partner with a ministry like ours. And your prayers are always the most valuable thing that you can give!

    Write us and let us know how you would like to get involved. We are excited about what the Lord is doing and your part in His plan!

    For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:8-10

    Do you want to receive our paper mailings?

    We usually send out 1 or 2 regular/Christmas mailings every year. Send us your address if you would like to receive them. Or if you need to update your address, e-mail or phone number, let us know.

    Contact us at:

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

  • October 2024

    We had a wonderful ministry trip around the USA this past summer. It was great to see many of you who have been friends & partners for years. And how exciting it was to meet new people from Connecticut to California, New York to Florida. The Lord is so good to connect us together. 
    Thank you so much for the outpouring of interest in receiving our updates. The mailing list grew an incredible 48% because of you. We are so encouraged to have you as a part of this good work!
    Along with emails and occasional paper mailings, our website is always available for updates, missions trainings, ministry vision, and ways to connect.

    Please visit us anytime at:

    Pictures from USA trip

    The Vision of Life of God International

    • Jesus: We love the Lord, and our relationship with Him. Putting Jesus first and following Him fully is the only way to truly have joy and purpose in life.
    • The Unreached: There are places on earth where almost no one knows the truth of God’s Word, the reality of His Holy Spirit, and the experience of God’s goodness in their lives. We are compelled to do all we can to reach the people in these places for Jesus in preparation for His soon return.
    • The Plan: We believe God to be able to bring the very best ministry to the places that have had the least amount of God’s light. Although we want to see more and more reached and set free, we are not moved by numbers or crowds. Our focus is bringing the gospel where its light has shined the most dimly, so that the people there can have the hope of eternal life.
    • And YOU: This ministry – the mission trips, the church in Spain, the traveling ministry, the website, the prayer team, the newsletters – is a place where like-minded people can join forces with the Lord to reach the least reached areas of the world so that “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matthew 24:14)

    Inspirational quotes from partners:

    The Church was born out of the wind and the fire. That is the way it started, and that is the way that it is going out.   – Pastor Scott Webb

    Every Christian wants to do something big for God. There is nothing bigger than leading the next person to Jesus Christ.  – Pastor Chas Stevenson

    Let’s get this job done.  – Pastor Michael Lokietek

    More Pictures from USA trip

    Let’s do it Together!

    The ministry is expanding! As we mention below, the church in Spain is growing even while we are away. In recent years, Rev. Rich has done mission trips about 2 months out of the year. We plan to do more than 4 months of mission trips in 2025 and over 6 months in 2026. Why? Because in Europe (and other nations), very few people have known the Lord. Look at these statistics: only one in 50 (Spain) or one in 75 (France, Ireland) or one in 100 (Italy) or even one in 200 (Israel) people are saved. [To put that in perspective, 1 in 4 Americans claim to be evangelical.] Where we work, country after country is filled with city after city starved for the light of the gospel and full of people currently on their way to hell. We must bring them the light and help them change course! Much more travel equals much more cost. 

    God is our great provider,
    and if we all do our part, it won’t be too much for anyone.

    Trust God with us to increase our finances by 1/3 at this time.
    We could achieve this with the following commitments:
    1 partner at $1000 per month
    1 partner at $750 per month
    2 partners at $500 per month
    3 partners at $250 per month
    5 partners at $100 per month
    10 partners at $50 per month
    20 partners at $25 per month
    25 partners at $10 per month

    Please pray about getting involved, and do whatever the Lord puts on your heart.  We would be honored to have you take hold of this work with us and help us reach further. God gives us each the grace to do our part. If now is not a time to do more financially, perhaps you know someone who is looking to partner with a ministry like ours. And your prayers are always the most valuable thing that you can give!

    Write us and let us know how you would like to get involved. We are excited about what the Lord is doing and your part in His plan!

    For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:8-10

    Missions trip to Eastern Europe

    November 4 – December 3, 2024

    In just a week, I will be leaving for Eastern Europe for a month! I will be meeting up with 3 different traveling companions throughout the trip. We will visit Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Finland and Latvia, and perhaps two other nations. Every one of these countries borders Russia or the Ukraine (and Poland borders both). Being close to a war zone changes people’s perspective and often creates an opening to talk about God.
    In Riga, Latvia, where we will spend almost 2 weeks, the population is 40% Russian, which is an important reason that the Lord has led us there. This city has been on edge since the war between Russia and the Ukraine broke out because there are so many opposing views on whose side is just. Everyone needs the gospel of peace.
    Pray that the Lord will guide us to the right people and give us His supernatural words and power to meet the deepest need. His Word says: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14), and “[praying]… for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:19).

    Trip Budget: $6,000.

    Click on the PayPal button above if you would like to help us reach these wide-open harvest fields. Thank you so much, and may the Lord multiply your seed sown (2 Corinthians 9:10).

    God grew the church in Burgos while we were away!

    Do you want to receive our paper mailings?

    We usually send out 1 or 2 regular/Christmas mailings every year. Send us your address if you would like to receive them. Or if you need to update your address, e-mail or phone number, let us know.

    Contact us at:

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

  • June 2024

    Our Itinerary

    Thursday, June 27 at 6PM
    City Christian Church 
    Bakersfield, California
    Pastor Josh & Molly Brown

    Friday, June 28
    Meet with Pastors in Fresno, California

    Sunday, June 30 at 10AM
    The Life Church
     Avenal, California
    Pastors Luke & Shawna Jacobs

    Tuesday, July 2
    Meet with Pastors in Houston, Texas

    Sunday, July 7 at 10AM
    Family Church Wellsville
    Wellsville, New York
    Pastors Ray & Kami Oberst

    Tuesday, July 9 at 6PM
    Family Church Allegany
    Allegany, New York
    Pastor Mike and Courtney Anderson

    Wednesday, July 10 at 6:30PM
    Family Church of Cattaraugus County
    South Dayton, New York
    Pastor Mike and Courtney Anderson

    Sunday, July 14 at 10:30AM
    Faith Bible Church
    Wallingford, Connecticut
    Pastor James and Cynthia Lillis

    Sunday, July 21 at 9:30AM
    Portland Congregational Church
    Portland, New York
    Pastors Josh & Liz Ehmke

    Sunday, July 28 at 10AM
    Family Church Fredonia
    Fredonia, NY
    Pastors Michael & Nancy Lokietek

    Tuesday, July 30 at TBA
    Starbrick Family Church
    Starbrick, Pennsylvania
    Pastor Rita & Mike Moniot

    August 6-8
    Attend Conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    August 9-11
    Meet with Pastors in Chadron, Nebraska

    Monday, August 12
    Meet with Pastors in Castle Rock, Colorado

    Thursday, August 15
    Meet with Pastors in Chelsea, Alabama

    Sunday, August 18 at 10:30AM & 6:30PM
    Impact Family Church
    High Springs, Florida
    Pastors Greg & Amy Anderson

    Monday, August 19
    Meet with Pastors in Warner Robbins, Georgia

    August 20-22
    Attend Conference in Pidgeon Forge, Tennessee

    Saturday, August 24
    Meet Pastors in McLean, Virginia

    Sunday, September 8 at 10AM
    River of Fire
    Davenport, Florida
    Pastors Saul & Pamela Tapias

    Please pray and believe God with us for His highest and best for each of these meetings (Colossians 4:12).

    If you have any questions about our itinerary, feel free to reply to this email

    Ministry Trip to the USA

    June 26 – September 11, 2024

    It has been almost 3 years since we have visited the USA, so it is that time again. This year we will be ministering, connecting with Pastors or attending conferences all around the country as you can see from our itinerary. And other meetings are still to be confirmed. Let us know if you would like to schedule something.
    Why do missionaries have to spend so much time and money traveling in the USA? Our ministry forms a bridge between the American Church and the millions of people that don’t experience the light of the gospel like us. These trips keep that connection strong. And, of course, it’s important to visit partners in person to show our appreciation. We want to see people like you!

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

  • May 25, 2024

    Thank you for being so faithful to help us advance God’s kingdom. We have the best partners in the world!

    Let’s catch you up on what is going on here:

    • Our Easter outreach was great! (See pictures below)
    • The 20-week, intensive Bible foundations course at the church is wrapping up. It has been awesome, and we’ve been very pleased with attendance.
    • We have started to train someone for the ministry. 
    • Our Tuesday evening, Holy Ghost-style services have been a blessing. People are learning to cooperate with God.
    • We are moving our residence to something smaller & simpler, thank God.
    • Soon we will be leaving for the USA (details below).
    • In this update, enjoy a testimony about “A life back on track.”

    Praise God for a great Easter outreach. How fun!

    A life back on track. A daughter returned to God.

    Pastor Daphne was ministering on a Tuesday night. Marta (name changed) walked in towards the end of the service. When the call was given, she came up for prayer and cried as the Lord touched her. She shared that she had been away from the Lord for some time and was walking by when her boyfriend said, “Look a church, and it’s open.” So, she came.
    Since that first visit, Marta has been transformed. First, she fully rededicated her life. Then she began to faithfully attend service. She gave her testimony about walking closely with the Lord when she was younger and being so joyful to have returned to Him. Now, without our asking, she and another sister have gotten together and asked if they can take over the responsibility of weekly cleaning the church. 
    Praise God for a life restored to fellowship with Him and fruitfulness in service!

    Ministry Trip to the USA

    June 26 – September 11, 2024

    It has been almost 3 years since we have visited the USA, so it is that time again. This year we will be ministering, connecting with Pastors or attending conferences in California in June, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut in July, and Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, and Florida in August. And other meetings are still to be confirmed. Feel free to respond to this e-mail if you would like to schedule something.
    Why do missionaries have to spend so much time and money traveling in the USA? Our ministry forms a bridge between the American Church and the millions of people that don’t experience the light of the gospel like us. These trips keep that connection strong. And, of course, it’s important to visit partners in person to show our appreciation. It’s awesome to see people like you!

    Trip Budget: $12,000

    Click on the PayPal button if you would like to help us report on and promote the reaching of the unreached in Europe. We will also be ministering God’s Word in the USA. Thank you so much, and may the Lord multiply the seed that you sow (2 Corinthians 9:10).

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

  • March 2024

    Thank you so much for your prayers and faithful support for this work. Great things are ahead!

    Look what the Lord has done!

    In the Church in Burgos:

    • God opens the door for a family to stay in the church in Burgos: One of our newer couples is seeking asylum in Spain. People almost always have to change cities halfway through that process. We prayed the prayer of agreement that they would be able to stay in Burgos, and they got the apartment they needed here. And now their new roommate attends church too! Being allowed to complete the whole process in one city is extremely rare. Praise God!
    • One of our guys gets a new job and apartment: Juan (name changed) was sleeping on a friend’s living room floor for months. They didn’t heat that part of the house and limited his use of the kitchen and bathroom. We prayed the prayer of agreement and within a week he got a job and moved to his own apartment. And the job offered him a long-term contract, which is very rare in Spain, especially in the first week! God is amazing!
    • Susana gets quick approval for her store. One of our people is opening a convenient store down the street. They were ready to start receiving inventory, but their electricity had not been turned on. The city government told them that it could take at least a month for approval. Pastor Daphne prayed the prayer of agreement with her, and they got their approval in just 8 days! They open this Monday!

    On the Mission trip in February:

    • 3 pray the sinner’s prayer in Livorno, Italy: We did our first ever conference, and it was in a city where we don’t even speak the language. God led us to a translator that was open to the gospel, a conference room in a hotel, and a print shop. We touched so many more people than we have before through handing out flyers. Pastor Scott mentioned that everyone that he told God loves them seemed impacted. And if just one person gets right with God, it is all worth it. What an experience. Glory to God!
    • Testifying to a Muslim in the laundromat: While doing our laundry, I began to talk with someone who turned out to be a devout Muslim. Over the course of the conversation, I was able to share some of my testimony and the joy of having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. He seemed blessed, and we parted with a big hug. 
    • With a Hasidic Rabbi on the flight to Budapest: I sat next to a Rabbi from near New York City. We conversed for over an hour and a half about maintaining truth and light in the American society. As we spoke, I quoted the scripture to him. He taught me that they recite Psalms 126 to say grace before a meal. When I threw in a messianic psalm, he got quiet. At the end of the flight, he told me that God had brought us together to encourage one another. 
    • A woman on the train to Milan wants to raise her child in God’s light: Pastor Scott and I sat across the table from a woman on a crowded train. As we conversed, she explained that she had left her (Catholic) church because it seemed to lack the true light of God. I was able to encourage her in her search for the truth and give her a Brother Hagin book to read. Thank God for the opportunity!

    Ministry Trip to the USA

    June 26 – September 11, 2024

    It has been almost 3 years since we have visited the USA, so it is that time again. This year we will be ministering and connecting with Pastors and attending conferences in California, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Nebraska, and Texas, with possible meetings in Colorado, Washington DC, Kentucky, Georgia, and Connecticut.
    Why do missionaries have to spend so much time and money traveling in the USA? Our ministry forms a bridge between the American Church and the millions of people that don’t experience the light of the gospel like us. These trips keep that connection strong. And, of course, it’s important to visit partners in person to show our appreciation. It’s awesome to see people like you!

    Trip Budget: $12,000

    Click on the PayPal button if you would like to help us report on and promote the reaching of the unreached in Europe. We will also be ministering God’s Word in the USA. Thank you so much, and may the Lord multiply your seed sown (2 Corinthians 9:10).

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

  • January 30

    Thank you so much for your prayers and faithful support for this work. Great things are ahead in the Lord!

    They’ve come to Arrest Him. What can I do?

    Daphne and I sat on an empty morning train about to embark on a long day of travel. I noticed the figure of a single young man enter and sit a few rows ahead of us. Soon afterwards a train conductor showed up and had an angry exchange with the man. Minutes passed and he returned with a larger employee of the train line and asked him to leave the train voluntarily or be arrested. Apparently, this gentleman had gotten on the train without a ticket. 
    I sat there pondering the situation, and it struck me that perhaps I could be a positive part of this story by offering to buy a ticket for this individual. Not wanting to run afoul of the authorities, I invited these two train employees aside and asked if I could be of help by purchasing this young man’s ticket. (Actually it is you, our partners, that bought this man’s ticket.)They didn’t want me to be put out and assured me that they would just have him arrested. I told them that I didn’t mind the expense, and they reluctantly agreed. 
    After we left the station, I took the opportunity to have a relaxed conversation with this man about the Lord’s love for him. He very much appreciated the ticket, and we exchanged phone numbers. I returned to my seat, peacefully and joyfully pondering this opportunity, thanking the Lord for allowing me to be a blessing. 
    As I sat there meditating, I was suddenly dumbfounded. I realized that man was me! I was sitting on the train of life, simply wanting passage to my blessed inheritance. Suddenly my accusers came for me. They had proof of my sin and wrongdoing, my bad attitudes and corrupt motives. As I searched through my pockets, I could find nothing that gave me the right to stay. I would be carried away to bondage. I would never make it into what God had for me.
    Then someone stood up, but I barely noticed what was happening. He motioned my accusers over and began to reason with them. As I pondered my dark fate, they approached. My accusers waved their had dismissively at this stranger and said, “He has offered to buy your ticket. He will take your place. He will suffer loss to redeem you from your fate. Do you accept His offer? In my lowly place, I shook my head, “Yes.” Hope and peace broke into my soul. My future was forever changed. Praise be unto my Lord and Redeemer!
    Soon the train of my life left the station. How wonderful that I was on the right “track” for my eternal journey. The stranger, now oddly familiar, approached. He spoke of how I was now free from my accusers and assured a home with him. Then he made me another offer. If I wanted to work closely with and follow him in all things, I could have a life of adventure and great reward. There would be persecutions from those in the world, but unspeakable blessings and deep relationship would mark my eternity. I had finally found my purpose. I have finally discovered life! [November 2023]

    Bradford, England was the home of Smith Wigglesworth, the famous British minister who boldly ministered on faith in Christ, sometimes even on the train. It was here that the above encounter took place. 

    Mission Trip to Italy, Switzerland and Hungary.
    February 12 – March 2, 2024

    With Pastor Scott Wise. I have great anticipation for our first trip of 2024. We will stop in Grindelwald, Switzerland, the only city on my circuit that I haven’t been able to visit since before the pandemic. I was last there in 2017. It’s time to get back and pick up where we left off. Afterwards, we have set aside a full 10 days in Livorno, Italy. It is the center of the Italian Communist movement and the most obviously needy city that I visit (so far). It will be great to have so much time in one place to see what God will do. Lastly, the Lord led us to add a couple of days in Budapest, Hungary. After Pastor Scott leaves, Pastor Daphne and I will meet there. Expect God’s Highest and best with us. It will come to pass!

    The Lord has been blessing me with living parables, amazing life lessons, from my encounters with people on the mission trips. If you enjoyed the above testimony and missed the article about the “master craftsman,” check it out in this link: 
    In the Master Craftsman’s Workship

    Sunday evening we have a discipleship class at the church in Burgos. God is blessing and growing the church. Now we meet 3 times each week.

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

  • November 6, 2023

    In the Master Craftsman’s Workshop

    We were walking down a narrow street in the 13th arrondissement (administrative district) of Paris when I saw a small instrument workshop. A man was sitting in the middle carving a viola. Around the walls and on the workbenches were several stringed instruments in various stages of development. It was such a cool place! I had to stop. The craftsman was talking to a customer, and I waited outside. After a couple of minutes, the customer left. I asked the gentlemen if he spoke English, and to my delight he did. We talked about how cool his shop was and what an artist he was. When I asked, he told me that there was at least one of his instruments playing in all of the major orchestras of Paris. After some time he asked me what I did. I told him that I teach the Bible. He was open and interested. As we talked, the Lord blessed me with a great illustration.

    This craftsman was holding an unfinished viola in his hand. It was beautiful but clearly incomplete. He was carving along the edge. His movements seemed pointless to me, like they weren’t making any difference. However, from his perspective they were vital to seeing the instrument shaped into his grand design. I thought of our relationship with God. The truths of God’s Word work in our lives, shaping and forming us into His masterpiece. Sometimes, we may even ask, why does He want me to do this? Why would he emphasize or ask me to believe that? Yet the Master sees the big picture. He is forming us and shaping us into His image, one touch, one obedience, one confession at a time. In the beginning, those instruments are beautiful to the craftsman alone because he is the only one who can see the finished product. In the end they are stunning to all who behold. So it is with us! How this truth blessed me! And the craftsman seemed really touched as I used his work to describe to him what it is like to teach the incorruptible Word of God to others. Praise God for such a great opportunity and experience! We finished our conversation, and he thanked me for my visit. I left him some information and can’t wait to see him again the next time that I am in Paris. [September 2023]

    Pictures from Barcelona, Spain

    Mission Trip to United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands.
    November 6-27, 2023

    With Pastor Greg Anderson.  Great things are happening in these places. We have met many Pastors and have ministered for a couple of them. In 3 cities (one in each of these countries), we have begun to lay the groundwork for outreach and church planting. In fact, we have local contacts with whom we will be working. This will be something new and wonderful! Lastly, we have connected with historical churches like Smith Wigglesworth’s mission in Bradford and Evan Robert’s church in Wales where there is a hunger to see God bring revival again in our day! This trip will be 3 weeks, considerably longer than usual (which is why the budget is higher), and we still won’t do everything that could be done. [Pastor Greg will be with me for the first half. The second half I will be with British ministers.]

    Trip Budget: $5500.

    Recent Testimonies from the Church in Burgos

    • One of our women had been suffering from hip pain. The Lord healed her, and she is free from pain!
    • As always, we believe God to draw people to church. One day, Pastor Daphne and I were talking, and I told her to plead her case to the Lord about it. The following week while ministering, she noticed a woman with shopping bags walk up to the door and look in. Then she walked away. A minute later she returned with shopping bags in tow and came into the church. She sat down and listened to the message. After the service she testified that she was so drawn to the church that she couldn’t help but enter, even though she was carrying her groceries. Pastor Daphne prayed for her, and she thanked her for the ministry that was exactly what she needed in this season of her life.
    • A couple of our people are really growing in knowledge and obedience to God’s Word. It’s so fun to watch their progress. Praise God!

    More from France and Belgium with Pastor Michael

    A lot of extra prayer went into this trip. Our prayer team has been specifically praying for God to divinely connect us with the right people. The prayer team at Family Church Fredoina was praying for the trip. Pastor Michael himself prays a lot. We saw an increase in favor and open doors with:

    • A hotel manager that we have visited (and even eaten with) on the past several trips. He always said he is an atheist, but he was very open to me praying for his injured knee this time.
    • A brother and sister that run a Lebanese restaurant. We have visited them the past two trips and have quite a rapport now.
    • An Afghani shop keeper who was all smiles as we talked with him.
    • A cook at a Greek restaurant who often passes through Burgos on his way home to Portugal.
    • A couple who runs a tearoom and conversed with us about their passions and business prospects.
    • The woman who runs what I think is the best pastry shop on the planet. We had great favor with her, and she even gave us free food and taught us about the difference between Belgium and France.
    • The owner/operator of an Italian restaurant that we have visited the last three trips.
    • A Christian woman who runs a small shop near the train station.
    • And others that we will share about in future partner letters if we have room. God gets all of the glory for the great things that He is doing!

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
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  • October 2, 2023

    A special message from Pastor Michael Lokietek

    Thank you so much for your continued prayers and generous support. Through God’s goodness and each one of us being faithful, we will see many impacted for His glory.

    Mission Trip to United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Netherlands.
    November 6-27, 2023

    With Pastor Greg Anderson.  Great things are happening in these countries. We have met many Pastors and have ministered for a couple of them. In 3 cities (one in each of these countries), we have begun to lay the groundwork for outreach and church planting. In fact, we have local contacts with whom we will be working. This will be something new and wonderful! Lastly, we have connected with historical churches like Smith Wigglesworth’s mission in Bradford and Evan Roberts church in Wales where there is a hunger to see God bring revival again in our day! This trip will be 3 weeks, considerably longer than usual (which is why the budget is higher), and we still won’t do everything that could be done. [Pastor Greg will be with me for the first half. The second half I will be with British ministers.]

    Trip Budget: $5500.

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

  • August 28, 2023

    Under his [Christ’s] control, the whole body is being fitted and held together by the support of every joint…
    Ephesians 4:16a [CJB]

    We are celebrating the people that God has brought into our lives in this e-mail. And that includes you! Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and generous support. The Lord is multiplying everything we do for Him to build His Kingdom. What an honor to participate in His work on the earth!
    We are also so blessed by our Pastors and the other ministers that the Lord has used to train us in His things. Our Pastor, Dr. Michael Lokietek will be visiting us in just a few days. Pray and believe with us for God’s Highest and Best for His trip.
    Furthermore, I will share some testimonies of how the Lord supernaturally connected us with other ministers during our travels over the past year. He is building His body by strengthening and expanding the joints between each part. How marvelous is His plan! How blessed we are to be a part of it!
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

    Rev. Rich with Pastors of a church in Manchester, England after ministering for them in a series of meetings. Read the story below.

    “God divinely connected us…”

    After flying home from England, I was waiting in a long line at customs. That almost never happens. As I conversed with the people in the line around me, I met a Pastor from Manchester. It was a blessed time, and he invited me to come to his church. Less than 3 months later, I ministered 3 services there. God moved and blessed our time together. 
    This Pastor has a heart after God and a desire for the Word and the Holy Spirit. Their family of five was very dear and made me feel at home. They have since visited us in Burgos and have even been instrumental in connecting a couple of people with our church. Praise God! He provides forgiveness. He provides healing. He provides finances. He provides divine connections with people! He is so good! [November 2022, February and May 2023]

    “I’ve been looking for a way to connect…”

    We were traveling in a car between Dublin and Cork, Ireland and sensed that the Lord had a work for us in Cork but were not sure what. It seemed like I should do something I rarely do, google the churches in the area. As I scrolled down the list of churches, I saw one that I believed we should contact. 
    It turns out that the Pastor had graduated from the same Bible school that I and my traveling companion, Pastor Greg Anderson, had attended. We agreed to meet the following day for lunch. While sharing a meal, this Pastor in Southern Ireland told us that he had been wanting to connect more directly with another ministry that we know well! That is something we were able to help out with! What an amazing experience the Lord gave us. We continue to maintain a relationship with him. [November 2022]

    We are so excited that our Pastor,
    Dr. Michael Lokietek
    is joining us to minister in September! 

    • Pastor will be ministering three services in Barcelona, Spain.
    • He will, of course, also be ministering at the church here in Burgos, Spain.
    • Pastor will travel for one week with Rev. Rich to Belgium and France.

    Pray for and Expect God’s Very Best for this Time Together!

    Our part of the Trip’s Budget: $5000.

    A Message from Pastor Jeff Mitchener

    God opens a door… For Pastor Michael!

    I needed to meet with a Pastor in Spain to ask some practical and legal advice about ministry here. I have developed various relationships over the years and planned on contacting a certain Pastor who has helped me out in the past. However, the Holy Ghost dealt with me about reaching out to some Pastors of a large church in Barcelona. I had shaken their hands before but didn’t know them at all. I really couldn’t see how I would be able to get a meeting with them. I just said, “OK God,” and called the church. 
    The Pastor’s wife picked up the phone and agreed to set up a meeting with us during the exact days that the Lord had put on my heart to go. (In fact, it was the only time that they were available.) We had a nice meal together and discussed the questions that I had. Afterward we talked about Brother Hagin’s ministry, the move of the Holy Spirit in these last times, and our Pastor’s upcoming visit to Spain. Honestly, to my great surprise, towards the end of the meal, the Pastor got out His calendar and asked if I thought my Pastor would be willing to come and minister for him while he is here! Praise the Lord! We are so looking forward to these meetings that are happening this coming Sunday! [March 2023 and now]
    What will God do next? I don’t know it all, but by His grace we’ll be there for it. And so will you!

    “I will introduce you to churches…”

    While in Haifa, Israel, the Holy Ghost seemed to lead us up a back alley. It looked like a dead end. However, just before leaving, we noticed a doorway to a ministry. We rang the doorbell and later learned that it was the only halfway house for Arab prisoners in all of Israel. We have developed a relationship with our contact at this ministry and offered to do anything we can to help them out. He was so thrilled by what we do and has offered to connect us with churches or anything that we need in Israel. What looked like a dead end to our natural eyes was God’s highway to vast blessings. (I am talking to someone.) Praise God for providing open doors and divine connections! [February 2023 – we shared about this in more detail in our April 2023 newsletter.]

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! 
    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

  • June 2023

    Greetings from Europe. Thank you again for your faithful partnership in prayer and financial support. Together, we are advancing in God’s plan! 

    [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]

    What happened in Germany?

    Rev. Rich just returned from the Mission Trip to Germany, Denmark and Latvia. What really stood out from this trip was the clarity with which the Lord led us. His direction was so precise both in dealing with us about specific things during our travels and future direction for the ministry. How awesome! We will surely be benefitting from this divine guidance for multiplied years to come. Glory to God!
    I had another experience which greatly blessed and taught me during this trip. I was on a busy commuter train from the airport to downtown Berlin. Many people were standing, and there were very few empty seats. Finally, I saw a place for two people to sit only to realize that we had plopped ourselves down in the middle of a group of drunken, rowdy tourists from a different country in Europe. They were talking loudly, cussing, joking, wrestling with each other, and one even taking off his shirt. I chose the seats, so this situation was “on me.” It seemed like one of them was getting overly disruptive, so I decided to step in by playing along with a clean joke that was written on his shirt.
    Soon we were laughing along with about 5 of these guys. They asked why we were traveling, and we told them that we were ministers on a mission trip. Over the course of the conversation, I got to share with all of them that the true happiness and satisfaction that everyone seeks can only be found through relationship with God. Soon some were asking spiritual questions while others were mocking. One said, “well you should talk to this one because he is a philosopher.” Someone else said, “Oh don’t talk to another because he is gay.” All the while, there was such a grace or an easiness to speak boldly about the Lord with this bunch of guys on a crowded commuter train. They even seemed to sober up some.
    One person in particular was very interested. His grandmother was probably Catholic because she had given him a necklace with a saint on it which he proudly showed me. He started to ask spiritual questions about evolution among other things. He was very receptive and interested, apologizing profusely for his friends’ jokes. (Of course, the jokes and opinions of a group of drunk people have no effect on us who are in Christ – ha!) He told me that he wanted to talk to me more about these things, so I gave him my contact info and left the train happy.
    What a joy to plant the incorruptible seed of God’s word in a fallow field! When we shine the light in a dark place the only possible outcome is for that place to become light. What more could we want in life? Praise the Lord for open doors!

    We are so excited that our own Pastor,
    Dr. Michael Lokietek
    is joining us to minister in September! 

    • Pastor will be ministering three services in Barcelona, Spain (Partners, we can be so grateful to God that He helped us make this connection for Pastor.)
    • He will, of course, also be ministering at the church here in Burgos, Spain.
    • Pastor will travel for one week with Rev. Rich to Belgium and France.

    Pray for and Expect God’s Very Best for this Time Together!

    Our part of the Trip’s Budget: $5000.

    Video update from Riga, Latvia

    Some of the people in the church in Burgos needed new clothes. So we took them shopping! Here they are modeling part of what they found. Thank you partners for helping us to be able to do things like this. Our people are very grateful!

    Huge Praise Report! 

    Ever since arriving in Spain, we have dealt with bureaucratic challenges. This year we have had major breakthroughs, making everything we do much easier. Praise God for His faithfulness and thank you for your prayers. Great things are ahead!

    Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add to your address book.]