June 2023
- posted in Newsletters
Greetings from Europe. Thank you again for your faithful partnership in prayer and financial support. Together, we are advancing in God’s plan!
[To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add rich@lifeofgodintl.org to your address book.]
What happened in Germany?
Rev. Rich just returned from the Mission Trip to Germany, Denmark and Latvia. What really stood out from this trip was the clarity with which the Lord led us. His direction was so precise both in dealing with us about specific things during our travels and future direction for the ministry. How awesome! We will surely be benefitting from this divine guidance for multiplied years to come. Glory to God!
I had another experience which greatly blessed and taught me during this trip. I was on a busy commuter train from the airport to downtown Berlin. Many people were standing, and there were very few empty seats. Finally, I saw a place for two people to sit only to realize that we had plopped ourselves down in the middle of a group of drunken, rowdy tourists from a different country in Europe. They were talking loudly, cussing, joking, wrestling with each other, and one even taking off his shirt. I chose the seats, so this situation was “on me.” It seemed like one of them was getting overly disruptive, so I decided to step in by playing along with a clean joke that was written on his shirt.
Soon we were laughing along with about 5 of these guys. They asked why we were traveling, and we told them that we were ministers on a mission trip. Over the course of the conversation, I got to share with all of them that the true happiness and satisfaction that everyone seeks can only be found through relationship with God. Soon some were asking spiritual questions while others were mocking. One said, “well you should talk to this one because he is a philosopher.” Someone else said, “Oh don’t talk to another because he is gay.” All the while, there was such a grace or an easiness to speak boldly about the Lord with this bunch of guys on a crowded commuter train. They even seemed to sober up some.
One person in particular was very interested. His grandmother was probably Catholic because she had given him a necklace with a saint on it which he proudly showed me. He started to ask spiritual questions about evolution among other things. He was very receptive and interested, apologizing profusely for his friends’ jokes. (Of course, the jokes and opinions of a group of drunk people have no effect on us who are in Christ – ha!) He told me that he wanted to talk to me more about these things, so I gave him my contact info and left the train happy.
What a joy to plant the incorruptible seed of God’s word in a fallow field! When we shine the light in a dark place the only possible outcome is for that place to become light. What more could we want in life? Praise the Lord for open doors!
We are so excited that our own Pastor,
Dr. Michael Lokietek
is joining us to minister in September!
- Pastor will be ministering three services in Barcelona, Spain (Partners, we can be so grateful to God that He helped us make this connection for Pastor.)
- He will, of course, also be ministering at the church here in Burgos, Spain.
- Pastor will travel for one week with Rev. Rich to Belgium and France.
Pray for and Expect God’s Very Best for this Time Together!
Our part of the Trip’s Budget: $5000.

Some of the people in the church in Burgos needed new clothes. So we took them shopping! Here they are modeling part of what they found. Thank you partners for helping us to be able to do things like this. Our people are very grateful!
Huge Praise Report!
Ever since arriving in Spain, we have dealt with bureaucratic challenges. This year we have had major breakthroughs, making everything we do much easier. Praise God for His faithfulness and thank you for your prayers. Great things are ahead!
Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please add rich@lifeofgodintl.org to your address book.]