May 2020
- posted in Newsletters
Greetings from Burgos, Spain. Everything is going great here. We’re so thankful to share in this work together with you. God is with us now as always! |
Greetings from Burgos, Spain. Everything is going great here. We’re so thankful to share in this work together with you. God is with us now as always! |
This has certainly been an odd time for the world, but for those of us in the Lord Jesus, it is the greatest time ever to be alive! He warned us that we would hear about pestilences or plagues. Covid-19 is exactly that. I know things can seem intense, especially if we have a loved one with symptoms or if the social changes threaten our job. However, as plagues go, this is actually mild, thank God. And the Lord told us what to do when we see bad things happening in the last days. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” – Luke 21:28 The Lord is with us now in the spirit and is coming to take us to heaven with Him! How wonderful! We rejoice and rest in Him. He has everything covered for us.
What is going on in Spain?
The Spanish government has declared a state of emergency from March 16 – April 12. According to their rules, we can only leave the house one at a time for groceries or medicine (or to walk the dog if we had one). Our church cannot meet during this time, but we provide livestreamed services and lots of calls and texts with our people. The ones that are faithful to church are doing very well.
It has been awesome to see the many ways that the Lord helped us prepare for this over the past several months. We moved from a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment into a 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom apartment which is way more functional for lockdown. We had paperwork issues with our residency that got all cleared up just 2 weeks before the state of emergency was declared. The Lord directed us to do a 5 week intensive class on healing that ended on March 11, so our church people were built up in their faith for healing when this hit. God usually leads us to travel quite a bit, but He hasn’t had us plan any trips since October. We are healthy and provided for (Thank you for being so generous!). Our God is truly faithful to us and to you. How wonderful it is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ at all times!
We trust God to take great care of you and show you his peace, protection, and provision like never before. Covid-19 will be over soon! Many blessings to you and yours.
Over the past several months we have seen such an increase in our meetings. More visitors are coming, even from near-by towns. Some people that had left are returning and seeking a deeper relationship with God. Two people recently got filled with the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord! It is so good to see an increase in spiritual things and growth in the number of people. You have been faithful to pray and give, we have been faithful to teach the Bible, and now, together, we are seeing God’s faithfulness in Burgos. How wonderful!
We appreciate you so much! You play such an important role in all that we do through your prayers and generous support. Enjoy this video which we have made to help keep you well informed on what we are doing together.
Wow, what a summer it has been! Thank you for your prayers and support that help make everything we do possible. You are such a blessing!
The Lord Jesus Christ, Our First Love
The Lord has been speaking to me about living with Him as our first love (Revelation 2:4). That is very normal for us. It is how we are designed to live. We are born-again Christians, new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). God already lives in us. It is the most natural thing in the world for us to partake of the supernatural life of God that is on the inside of us. If we simply keep our eyes on Christ and His Word and live out of the peace and joy in our hearts, we will experience the rich blessings that come with having the Lord Jesus Christ as our first love.
On the other hand, the Christian that accepts the Lord and has God living in Him but continues to focus on everything that is going on in the world is like a person who lights a candle and puts it under a bucket or a bushel basket (Matthew 5:15). This person has the burning, shining, explosive, wonderful power and presence of God living in them. However, by focusing on their bills, or their physical pain, or social media, or movies, or that guy that did them wrong, they keep any of that light and life from escaping to bless themselves or others. The Ephesian church in Revelation 2 is an especially interesting case. Jesus commends them for working hard for Him and having good discernment, but He later says that He is not happy with them because they have left their first love. How can that be? Well, we should work hard for Jesus and be able to discern that which is not of Him, but apparently the Ephesians were focusing on their works and their discernment instead of focusing on Jesus while they were working hard and being discerning. This is a subtle but vitally important distinction. Let’s be sure to keep our focus on the person of Jesus and our relationship with Him even as we serve Him.
In all we do, let us love Him and put Him first by focusing on the truth of His Word and the power and presence of His Spirt who ever indwells us. Then we will live in the fullness of all that He has for us (John 15:7).
Testimony: God provides a good job!
One of our ladies had been working in a temporary job. She needed her boss to offer her a permanent contract (a big deal in Spain). She prayed with Rev. Daphne, asking God for what she needed. She also happeded to give an offering to the church for the first time (another big deal in Spain). You already know what happened. When people obey God and believe Him, He always comes through. She got her permanent contract the next day!
Our work traveling to other nations with those that are interested in missions continues to grow. In the past year, Rev. Rich has traveled more than 40 days to 7 countries (outside of the USA and Spain) with Rev. Daphne and 3 other individuals. We are having tremendous times connecting with people and preparing for outreaches in each of these places. And through our training program, we are helping to prepare laborers for these works. With the growth of the ministry in Burgos and these areas, we are believing God for an increase in funding. Thanks so much for all you already do! If you or anyone you know are looking for a good place to sow some extra seed, please visit our donation page. Together we will reach those who do not know the gospel of our Lord Jesus!
We spend over 9 months of the year in Burgos, but sometimes the Lord deals with us to travel to other cities and countries and lay the groundwork for future outreaches. Here in Spain, it took a couple of years to get things started. With some targeted trips, we can do much of this preliminary work in several places at the same time. More and more, the Lord is providing me travel companions so that Daphne can stay and take care of the Spain work. Here is an update on two countries I visited recently. God is leading us into His fruitful harvest. We give Him glory for all that is happening and you thanks for being such an important part of this ministry!
The last shot of World War I was fired in Mons, Belgium when a German sniper shot and killed a Canadian soldier just 2 minutes before the arimistice was to take effect.
How God brought us together with our Dutch friends
It was the summer of 2016 and Daphne and I were out and about in Burgos in our exercise clothes. I was wearing a Family Church t-shirt. We were returning home when I heard a voice behind me calling out, “Family Church, Family Church!” As I turned to see what was happening, I was wondering who could be saying “Family Church” in English in Burgos, Spain. It was Adriann from the Netherlands. He had been searching for an English-speaking church in Burgos, Spain and had come across our information (although we do our services in Spanish). He saw on our website that we are connected to the Family Churches in the New York and Pennsylvania region. And when he saw my Family Church t-shirt, he recognized me.
Fast-forward over a year and the Lord started to deal with me about Utrecht, the Netherlands. And over 2 years after we first met, as I was preparing to visit the city, I wondered if the man that I had met here in Burgos lived nearby. I contacted him and learned that he lived just outside of Utrecht, about 20 minutes from where we were staying. He was very welcoming. We had a wonderful time with him and his son and his church community. I am very thankful to God and to him!
Brothers, pray for us. We are praying for you!While I was doing my devotions, this Bible verse jumped out at me. “Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1 ESV) This is the perfect prayer to pray for us. As we work in Burgos and travel, we believe that the Word of God is speeding ahead and being honored! Thank you so much for your prayers.We pray for you, our partners, regularly. Most often we use the scripture prayers in Ephesians 1:15-23 & 3:14-21 to lift you up to the Lord. We believe, according to those prayers, that you have wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God and are strengthened with all might to walk with God and know the fulness of His love. Praise God for his powerful working in our lives!
How God brought us together with our Dutch friends:It was the summer of 2016 and Daphne and I were out and about in Burgos in our exercise clothes. I was wearing a Family Church t-shirt. We were returning home when I heard a voice behind me calling out, “Family Church, Family Church!” As I turned to see what was happening, I was wondering who could be saying “Family Church” in English in Burgos, Spain. It was Adriann from the Netherlands. He had been searching for an English-speaking church in Burgos, Spain and had come across our information (although we do our services in Spanish). He saw on our website that we are connected to the Family Churches in the New York and Pennsylvania region. And when he saw my Family Church t-shirt, he recognized me. Fast-forward over a year and the Lord started to deal with me about Utrecht, the Netherlands. And over 2 years after we first met, as I was preparing to visit the city, I wondered if the man that I had met here in Burgos lived nearby. I contacted him and learned that he lived just outside of Utrecht, about 20 minutes from where we were staying. He was very welcoming. We had a wonderful time with him and his son and his church community. I am very thankful to God and to him! |
Look at Daniel 10:12. In this verse, Daniel is having a vision. A spiritual being, sent from God tells him that words that he had spoken (weeks earlier) had been heard in the spirit world and that he has come to him because of what Daniel said. Look at the power of words! They move things in the spiritual realm. The things we experience and don’t experience are connected to what we are saying and not saying.
The Bible says that our tongue has the same power over our lives as a rudder has over a ship. James 3:4 (ESV) says, “Look at the ships too: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.” Jesus is our Lord, but He has made us the pilot of our lives (like the owner of a ship that hires someone to steer it for him). We direct our lives into The Lord’s will with our words. The pilot of a ship recognizes that if his ship is not in the port of New York, it is because he did not steer the rudder of the ship towards New York.
Here is an example closer to our experience: If I was at an airport and wanted to go to Tampa, Florida, I would get on the plane next to the word Tampa. I wouldn’t get on any planes next to the names of cities where I didn’t want to go. And I would never get on a plane to the city where I already was! Words steer us to our destination. Don’t speak about where you are unless you want to stay there. Speak of where you want to go. We are where we are today because of the words we have spoken in the past. But what joy it is to know that we can go anywhere in life as long as we begin to and keep on saying it!
Have you had problems with your body? Join the club. Perhaps you are dealing with an addiction. Maybe your body has strong desires to do things that you know aren’t right. Are you dealing with chronic sickness? Do you get into situations where fear grips you so badly that your body freezes up and you have problems breathing? You can live completely free from all of this and more! God gives us the answer in His Word. James 3:2 (ESV) says, “… if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body.” Simply put, any problem that we have with our body can be solved with the tongue. You may not see the change immediately just as steering a ship rudder towards New York doesn’t mean it arrives immediately. But keep that rudder pointing in the right direction and it will arrive, guaranteed. Keep speaking the promises of God and you will get into all the good that He has planned for you. Speak God’s Word and live free!
We just returned from a great trip to the USA.
• The Missions Prep Class met again at Family Church Fredonia in January. Rev. Daphne taught. People are growing and getting a vision for what God has for them on the foreign field. Awesome!
• We ministerd in New York, Pennsylvania, and Georgia – 6 times in 22 days.
• Thank you for the many great meetings with Pastors and partners. You were so hospitable and generous!
God is doing good things in Burgos, Spain!
• We visit many family businesses in Burgos. Some, like the brothers in the above picture are extremely dear. They give us products generously, teach us about Spain, and introduce us to their friends, family and clients. We often have opportunities to share the gospel and our faith in God through these relationships.
• Daphne recently went to the hairdresser. As the owner visited with us, I thought that I should invite her to a meeting. Before I got a chance, she said that she wanted to come and to bring a friend. Fish are jumping in our boat. Praise God!
• We are so pleased to see one of the key people in the church maturing a lot. Their faith and commitment is growing exceedingly, and they are taking an important role in the church!
Thank you so much for your prayers, generosity, and all that you do to serve the Lord!
When I prepare to minister, I ask the Lord what He would like me to say. Sometimes He sweetly and strongly answers, “Tell them I love them.” It always blesses me when He says that. I have stood in front of a room full of people, shared that simple truth, and seen the most seasoned and faithful saint look so relieved and even surprised. God loves you! The Lord Jesus loves you! Think about it. Talk about it. Sing about it. Let it fill your every day. A deep understanding that our Creator, the God of the Universe, the All-powerful One, loves us will radically change our lives. Praise God!
Our church has been videoing services since April. One of our members is very faithful and skillful at running the camera. These videos are a great resource to have available. Finding good, Bible-based materials in Spanish is easier than in most languages, but nothing like English. We English-speakers are super blessed!
Of course, I encourage our people in the Burgos church to read the Bible at home. One of the ladies always told me that she didn’t understand anything in the Bible. She was determined to start in the Old Testament because it is the beginning. I told her to start in the New Testament because it explains our covenant with God. Finally, she started to read the New Testament. After making that adjustment, she began to come to us excited about what God is showing her in the Word. Praise the Lord!
We spend time out in the streets and visiting small businesses. The Lord leads us to build relationships with local people. It is neat to see how He helps us share His Word or invite people to church. As Christians, we must remember that every conversation is an opportunity to glorify God and impact a life!
Our trip to Italy in May was great. There is a “Muslim” woman in Tuscany that has become very close to us. She drives us around and has offered to let us stay in her apartment anytime. We witness to her and have given her a book by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin. We also got a chance to witness to and teach the Bible to some American tourists and pray for the Italian government and the Catholic Church right before they saw some major changes (as you may have seen in the news). We have never experienced more anointing and Holy Spirit leading in our ministry than when we take these trips.
Rev. Rich will be traveling with a dear friend and minister from the USA to France, Belgium, and the Netherlands in November. Rev. Daphne will be staying to take care of the church in Burgos. She has been doing a great job ministering!
Concerning our European mission trips
While working in Burgos, we have learned some important things about ministry in Europe. Unexpectedly, the Lord started to deal with me about traveling to other cities. As I began to pray and obey, I saw that the truly time-consuming part of these works is in the beginning, while we learn the culture, meet people, earn their trust, preach and teach the Word, and develop faithfulness in a core group. It has taken us years to get to this point here in Burgos. However, by traveling to other cities for as little as several days a year, we can do much of the preliminary work in several places at the same time. Then, as the Lord leads us to begin a Bible study or church, we have a foundation laid and have saved years!
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.”
Romans 11:33-36
We trust that you are doing very well. Many things that have been on our heart for years are coming to pass. Thank you so much for helping us obey God!
“Write the Vision and Make It Plain” – Habakkuk 2:2
As I was first preparing to go on the mission field, a missionary acquaintance generously made himself available to answer some of my questions. While we visited, he said something that surprised me. “In the beginning, you will not know what your vision is,” he commented.
The Lord first dealt with us about missions, later Spain, then Burgos, and afterwards, starting a church. That seemed like all the information that was needed. However, the Lord kept right on revealing different things, growing our vision more and more. It quickly became clear that our work was not going to fit easily into the mold of how people talk about missions. After years of slowly proving things out, much of what is on our heart is starting to happen. I can finally begin to share publicly about the more complete vision of this ministry.
Some parts of this world have very little Christian witness. It is difficult to measure, but the best statistics indicate that around 1 in 4 or 5 people in the USA are evangelical Christians. * In Spain and France, only about 1 in 100 people fall into that category. We all know that America has her challenges and desperately needs Jesus, but imagine ministering in a culture that has 1/20 of the gospel light that we have in America. It is probably impossible for me to describe it to you. You would have to come and see if for yourself. I’m not saying it is difficult in Europe; I’m saying it is different. Here is one interesting thought: if the above statistics hold true, a church of 10 in Spain is equivalent to a church of 200 in the USA!
In the last 300 years, the United States has experienced the First and Second Great Awakenings, the Pentecostal, healing, charismatic, and teaching revivals while Spain and the countries near us have seen only isolated touches from heaven in nearly 500 years. From the beginning of our work in Europe, the Lord has been dealing with me about how to minister in cultures that have virtually no gospel foundation. We believe that He has given us concrete steps to prepare for the desperately needed harvest of souls that is coming to Europe.
Hopefully, this information gives you a clearer sense of the work we are involved in, and what many of you are faithfully supporting. This vision has made it necessary for us to travel, even to the USA, to connect with churches and recruit help. In fact, we have traveled less than we should have over the past years in order to make sure we were hearing and implementing the vision correctly. I could share many more details now, but since this newsletter is already long, stay tuned for more specifics in future e-mails.
We love and appreciate you!
*Evangelical Christians believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, a personal relationship with God through Him, and that we are commissioned to share this gospel with the world.
And God is able to bestow every blessing on you in abundance, so that richly enjoying all sufficiency at all times, you may have amble means for all good works.
2 Corinthians 9:8 [Weymouth]
Because of God’s faithfulness and yours, we have not had to ask for finances in over 3 years. During that time, we have been able to live in Spain, fund the work here, and even support other great ministries.
However, with new responsibilities, come many new expenses. We continue to maintain our home in Spain and the weekly meetings here, but we are adding more travel to other cities and training of missionaries. In fact, we will be in Italy for 10 days in May to prepare the ground for future work. We have recently added quality equipment to begin videoing our services and other lessons to post online in Spanish. This summer we have to report on our finances to the Spanish government and pay legal fees for our residency renewal.
We know you tithe to your local church and generously support other great ministries. Thank you for your faithfulness! If you would like to support this ministry, you may use PayPal through the link below or mail support to Family Church, PO Box 179, Fredonia, NY 14063. Make the check payable to Family Church and put Rich Walker Ministries in the memo line. Please do what brings you joy, and God will meet our needs and yours (Philippians 4:19). Thank you so much!
Also, if you know of anyone that you believe would be interested in this ministry, pass along my e-mail ( to them. I would be happy to answer any of their questions.
A great harvest is coming, and we will be a part of it!
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“…Men ought always to pray, and not to faint…”– Luke 18:1 Thank God that our prayers are powerful and effective when they are in line with the Bible. Sometimes when we are praying for the more important things of life, our prayers require steady, patient persistence. Praying for governments, a great harvest of souls, or even a deeper under- standing of God’s plan often requires a season of prayer, not just 10 minutes. If we stay with it we will see the answer in its fullness. We continue to pray for you. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for us. God’s highest and best is ours! |
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