August 28, 2023
- posted in Newsletters, Uncategorized
Under his [Christ’s] control, the whole body is being fitted and held together by the support of every joint…
Ephesians 4:16a [CJB]
We are celebrating the people that God has brought into our lives in this e-mail. And that includes you! Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and generous support. The Lord is multiplying everything we do for Him to build His Kingdom. What an honor to participate in His work on the earth!
We are also so blessed by our Pastors and the other ministers that the Lord has used to train us in His things. Our Pastor, Dr. Michael Lokietek will be visiting us in just a few days. Pray and believe with us for God’s Highest and Best for His trip.
Furthermore, I will share some testimonies of how the Lord supernaturally connected us with other ministers during our travels over the past year. He is building His body by strengthening and expanding the joints between each part. How marvelous is His plan! How blessed we are to be a part of it!
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Rev. Rich with Pastors of a church in Manchester, England after ministering for them in a series of meetings. Read the story below.
“God divinely connected us…”
After flying home from England, I was waiting in a long line at customs. That almost never happens. As I conversed with the people in the line around me, I met a Pastor from Manchester. It was a blessed time, and he invited me to come to his church. Less than 3 months later, I ministered 3 services there. God moved and blessed our time together.
This Pastor has a heart after God and a desire for the Word and the Holy Spirit. Their family of five was very dear and made me feel at home. They have since visited us in Burgos and have even been instrumental in connecting a couple of people with our church. Praise God! He provides forgiveness. He provides healing. He provides finances. He provides divine connections with people! He is so good! [November 2022, February and May 2023]
“I’ve been looking for a way to connect…”
We were traveling in a car between Dublin and Cork, Ireland and sensed that the Lord had a work for us in Cork but were not sure what. It seemed like I should do something I rarely do, google the churches in the area. As I scrolled down the list of churches, I saw one that I believed we should contact.
It turns out that the Pastor had graduated from the same Bible school that I and my traveling companion, Pastor Greg Anderson, had attended. We agreed to meet the following day for lunch. While sharing a meal, this Pastor in Southern Ireland told us that he had been wanting to connect more directly with another ministry that we know well! That is something we were able to help out with! What an amazing experience the Lord gave us. We continue to maintain a relationship with him. [November 2022]
We are so excited that our Pastor,
Dr. Michael Lokietek
is joining us to minister in September!
- Pastor will be ministering three services in Barcelona, Spain.
- He will, of course, also be ministering at the church here in Burgos, Spain.
- Pastor will travel for one week with Rev. Rich to Belgium and France.
Pray for and Expect God’s Very Best for this Time Together!
Our part of the Trip’s Budget: $5000.
A Message from Pastor Jeff Mitchener
God opens a door… For Pastor Michael!
I needed to meet with a Pastor in Spain to ask some practical and legal advice about ministry here. I have developed various relationships over the years and planned on contacting a certain Pastor who has helped me out in the past. However, the Holy Ghost dealt with me about reaching out to some Pastors of a large church in Barcelona. I had shaken their hands before but didn’t know them at all. I really couldn’t see how I would be able to get a meeting with them. I just said, “OK God,” and called the church.
The Pastor’s wife picked up the phone and agreed to set up a meeting with us during the exact days that the Lord had put on my heart to go. (In fact, it was the only time that they were available.) We had a nice meal together and discussed the questions that I had. Afterward we talked about Brother Hagin’s ministry, the move of the Holy Spirit in these last times, and our Pastor’s upcoming visit to Spain. Honestly, to my great surprise, towards the end of the meal, the Pastor got out His calendar and asked if I thought my Pastor would be willing to come and minister for him while he is here! Praise the Lord! We are so looking forward to these meetings that are happening this coming Sunday! [March 2023 and now]
What will God do next? I don’t know it all, but by His grace we’ll be there for it. And so will you!
“I will introduce you to churches…”
While in Haifa, Israel, the Holy Ghost seemed to lead us up a back alley. It looked like a dead end. However, just before leaving, we noticed a doorway to a ministry. We rang the doorbell and later learned that it was the only halfway house for Arab prisoners in all of Israel. We have developed a relationship with our contact at this ministry and offered to do anything we can to help them out. He was so thrilled by what we do and has offered to connect us with churches or anything that we need in Israel. What looked like a dead end to our natural eyes was God’s highway to vast blessings. (I am talking to someone.) Praise God for providing open doors and divine connections! [February 2023 – we shared about this in more detail in our April 2023 newsletter.]
Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours!
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