April 2023
- posted in Newsletters, Uncategorized
God Opens Israel to Us!
Greetings! We are so blessed by your partnership as we continue to contend for God’s Highest plan (and just a little normal, sound thinking) on the earth in our generation. What a joy it is to work with Him in these last days!
Amazing open door with a ministry in Haifa
Of all the truly wonderful experiences in Israel, this one may stand out the most. And making this connection was quite an experience for me. On my first trip to Haifa in 2019, I was drawn to a particular neighborhood. Furthermore, within that neighborhood, I was led to a particular block. I walked around that block, but not finding anything, I moved on.
This year, I was visiting that neighborhood again and was drawn to that block again. I saw a small sign about some kind of ministry, but I didn’t think much of it. I seemed to be led into a small parking lot. Daphne said what I was thinking, “What are we doing here? This is just a parking lot.” I agreed, but then I saw a little doorway to this ministry. I rang the doorbell. They were closed but asked me to call later and ask for someone specific.
I called and had a phone conversation and later a video chat with him. The ministry is the only half-way house for Arabs in all of Israel. This gentleman was so excited to hear what we do, describing it as living like Christ did in the earth. We discussed the Word of God, prayed together, and he received us with open arms, offering to help us connect with churches or tour guides or anything we need in Israel. What a wide-open door! [February 2023]
Help us keep going through the Lord’s open doors!
Mission trip to Germany and Denmark in May.
God will continue to do great things on this trip with Pastor Jeff Mitchener.
Trip Budget: $3,500.
Our Arab waiter in Galilee
One day at a restaurant in Galilee, our waiter was a young Arab man who said he was raised in a Christian family but was not himself a believer. We started to discuss his past difficulties and his dreams for the future. I encouraged him that nothing was impossible for those who believed, sharing how much God loved him and how good His plan is for him. He seemed so encouraged and blessed when we gave him a copy of the book In Him by Kenneth E. Hagin. It was so dear of him to give us a free (really delicious) dessert in return! What a blessed memory it is. [February 2023]

A young Jewish woman in Beersheba
The Lord delt with me to visit Beersheba, Israel. On the way to Jerusalem, we took a detour on the train and spent around 5 hours there. We walked around getting to know the city. Just before leaving, we met a college-aged Jewish woman at a snack bar. She was so open to us. I shared with her for several minutes about the love of God and his good plan for her. I told her no matter what happened in our lives, we should never blame God for the problems but turn to Him and seek Him instead. Our challenges aren’t God’s fault. She seemed so hungry for these truths and just drank it all in. Praise God! [January 2023]
Thank you again for your prayers and partnership. We believe that God is putting together all of our prayers, giving, and steps of obedience to ultimately provide good, stable, Word & Spirit ministry all over the world. The Gospel must be preached in all nations. This revival must come to full fruition. The harvest must be gathered in. The Lord must return! By His grace we will be fully faithful in our generation. Many blessings to you and yours! [To ensure that you continue to receive these newsletters without interruption, please enter rich@lifeofgodintl.org into your address book.]