July 2014
- posted in Newsletters
We are having a great time teaching people how to find scriptures in the Bible and about God’s good plan for them through Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and financial support to help us accomplish this work.
What is going on in Burgos?

As you know, we have been traveling back and forth between the United States and Burgos, Spain for the past 2 and a half years. We have focused on building relationships with people and serving them any way we can. On June 1, we began weekly Sunday services which are set up as a 14-week, evangelistic class on what the Bible teaches us about relationships, money, mental peace, and health.
Each of our classes have had 3-6 locals in attendance. Some did not have a Bible in their home before we met them. We are teaching our students how to find scriptures and read the Bible for themselves. The gospel is being preached, and people have the opportunity to accept Christ in every class.
Our 14-week class ends on August 31. We are currently working on the next step. Depending on God’s leading and our attenders’ level of interest we will probably either begin church services, continue the meetings as a home Bible study, or discontinue the classes and begin another module in early 2015. Please, pray for wisdom. We trust God to move us forward in His highest plan for this group.
Honored By Our Connections

We must be God’s favorite! Why? Because we have the greatest partners and partner churches in the world. God showed us how much He loved us by putting us around people like you! Thank you for every prayer you have prayed, every opportunity to minister, and every dollar you have given. We are a team in Christ’s service.
We are especially humbled to have been recognized as an official outreach of our home church, Family Church in Fredonia, NY. On June first, they hung a map of Spain (with the Burgos outreach marked by the cross) on the sanctuary wall. We served in Fredonia for over 5 years and received so much good training from our Pastors Michael and Nancy Lokietek. They have counseled us and generously supported us in every step of our journey. We can truly say that we are honored to be part of the family!
Look What The Lord Has Done!
As I was working on this update, two of our class members stopped by the apartment for counseling. Both of them accepted Jesus as their Lord for the first time! Please pray for them as they begin their walk with God. Thank you so much for helping us come to Spain. We are having a great experience as we watch God touch lives!
One of our attenders and her son were facing a lot of problems. We prayed a general prayer with her. A few days later she told us that God heard our prayer and that her 18 year-old son had two good job opportunities open up to him (in a county with 25% unemployment)!
Another woman had faithfully attended an evangelical church before moving to Burgos 15 years ago. She hasn’t gone to any church here because she couldn’t find one with good doctrine. Now she and her 16-year-old (who had never been involved in a church) are faithful attenders of our services.
An American man was on a pilgrimage through Spain in search of God. College had left him empty and with a problem with alcohol. He accepted the Lord in our apartment, we gave him a small bible, and we prayed for him and taught him how to live free from alcoholism.
All the glory belongs to the Lord!