Do You Have A Passport?

It may seem unnecessary to ask. But if you’re planning to be involved with missions in any way, do you have a passport? A passport is a must for the missionary! We cannot travel to most countries without one. That includes Spain or any other part of Europe. (U.S. citizens need no visa to travel to Europe for 90 days or less.)

Many U.S. post offices accept passport applications. Some can take passport photos for you. Employees at any post office can tell you where to apply. This link provides much useful info:


  •  A first-time passport costs money, requires you to gather important documents, and takes the government time to process. Don’t wait until a month before you plan to travel internationally to get one.

  •  If you already have a passport, keep an eye on the expiration date. If your passport expires within six months of the day your trip begins, don’t try to travel on it. Airlines will not let you board an international flight.

  •  When traveling outside the U.S., make copies of your passport and carry them in different bags, purses, or pockets. A lost passport is much easier to replace if you can present a copy at the U.S. embassy in the country you’re visiting.